Tag Archives: OMG


And I don’t use that ‘phrase’ lightly, mostly because I find it grating on the nerves.

But it may or may not have been the thought that went through my mind when I received a reply to a Tweet I made this afternoon retweeting something that Jann Arden tweeted.  (That’s a lot of ‘tweets’ in one sentence.  There’s gotta be a less annoying way to explain.)

Jann.  Arden.  Replied.  To.  Me.

I.  Know.

OhEmGee, right?!

And I may or may not have been dorky enough to get a screen capture to prove it remember it.

I’m kind of a fan.

(Also a fan of Dropbox, which I learned how to use to share my photo and document files to and from my smartphone and other computers.)