Tag Archives: email

In search of an email identity. . .

I need a new Gmail address.  First name, Trina, last name Crawford.  Apparently those are some common names on Gmail.  Drop me a vote and a comment if you have a better idea.  I’m trying to stay away from the email addresses that have a gazillion random numbers in them and these are the only ones I’ve found that work, so far. I was going to use Google Forms for this, but decided to try the Polldaddy feature that is part of WordPress.   Please vote!

Excuse me, but your Electronic Footprint is stepping on my impression of you.

Dear Job Applicant or Student-Handing-Things-In-Electronically whose email address resembles any of the following:





Really?  I mean, REALLY?  It’s your email address on your resume, not your fraternity application.  Your ‘cool/sexy-factor’ in your friends’ address books isn’t all that impressive to me and is inappropriate for this usage.


Someone who will have a hard time taking you seriously. Seriously.

Disclaimer:  Thankfully, no one in my ECMP355 uses an email like these ones. 🙂