Tag Archives: Karma

I’ve become a Blog Snob*

I have restarted and deleted this blog post five times now, thanks to David Jakes and the presentation that he made for our ECMP355 class last night. I will explain why in a minute.  Bear with me.

As a disclaimer, I am not a judgmental person by nature.  I subscribe to the ‘live and let live’ belief system.  I believe in being kind to others and accepting of differences and Karma.

So, because of that, I feel a little bit guilty about how I’ve been reading blogs lately.  After Mr. Jake’s presentation I find myself dissecting the visual integrity of each and every blog I open, including my own.

“Good lord!  She used Comic Sans!  The HORROR!” (Mental note, send her this link.)

“Red?  RED?  What was he thinking???”

I have become a judgemental Blog Snob.

Learning about the perceptual impact that various aspects of a blog’s visual space has on a reader has made me accutely aware that it isn’t just about what I am saying to people but also how I am using visual cues and imagery to convey my messages.  I’m pretty sure that at the beginning of Mr. Jake’s presentation learning about the discussion of Cognitive Load Theory and the biology of learning with visual literacy,  I looked a little like this guy:

But as the evening went on and his slideshow and lecture continued it became clear to me.  Having a blog and something to say isn’t enough to be effective.  Making it effective and well-received takes work.  This is where the five false-starts to my blog post comes in.  I know I need to work on all of those things.  And the information that I received from our presentation will help me do better.  I look forward to hearing comments on how I am doing with that.

*Blog Snob:  What we were warned we would become after our presentation.  You were right, Dean Shareski.