Tag Archives: blogs

Follow, follow, follow, follow…

Blogs and Tweeters abound on the net.  Here are a few of each that I’ve started following:

Blogs I Heart

Cool Cat Teacher Blog


This blog by Vicki Davis is a site that has both inspirational and instructional information.  She covers a variety of topics and has a variety of experience and expertise.  She also publishes a daily Tweetpaper, as well. http://coolcatteacher.visibli.com/share/vqnN6K



This is a blog that contains many, many interesting articles about Digital Learning and Global Education.  She has reviewed sites, apps and shares step by step information when implementing different technologies, such as the iPad2 in schools.



Steven Anderson, who is the creator of this blog, is also a good guy to follow on Twitter.  He is constantly posting interesting new information and links to resources to use in becoming more digitally and globally connected in eduation.  His posts are sometimes light and funny, some are heavy and passionate.  I like it.

MindShift.  How We Will Learn.


This isn’t a blog but an exceptional website that I’ve been following for a while.  This website is a WEALTH of information, articles, links, interesting facts and has tons of links to other sites and articles.  A couple of really interesting articles that I’ve found there in the past couple of days have led me to include this site on my “MustFollow” list.  This one is to an article explaining YouTube’s new channel for Educators.  Awesome.  This one talks about how video games can contribute to learning.  Surprising. But Awesome.

And, finally for a non-educational blog that I follow, because there is more to life than work:

Beat and Lyric


This is a blog by two of my coolest imaginary (read: online, although I have met them once) friends and I am going to shamelessy promote them here. They search out and post new, sometimes undiscovered music along with amazing insight and humour. They create music-based lists that I love to read and discuss with them.   I love their posts and although their blog is still quite new, I know they will be around for a long time.  Need some new tunes?  Check ’em out.  You’re welcome, Lila and Betty. 🙂

Tweeters I Heart

I have started to follow quite a few educators and technology buffs. This is a short list of a few of them that I highly recommend to fellow educators:

@Edudemic – awesome links with tons of information about education and technology.  Also a great website to follow

@L_Hilt – an administrator, tech-forward educator and we share the love of coffee. 🙂

@thanks4teaching – links to a site where people can write short notes to teachers they have had to thank them for their impact on their lives.  Just a feel-good site.

@MrWejr – educator, principal.  Shares my views on the absurdity of rewarding children for expected behaviours.

And people who I follow for the pure entertainment value:

@ActuallyNPH – Neil Patrick Harris.  Big fan since the Doogie Houser Days (Young people, Google it.) Funny guy, wonderful family man.

@jannarden – Always been a huge fan.  Secretly wish we were BFFs.

@MayoTakeuchi – Imaginary (read: online) friend of mine.  Insanely intelligent.  One of the smartest people I know.  I enjoy her posts and especially love when she posts in Japanese.  Makes me feel all cultural. 🙂 I truly hope to meet her someday!  She’s got a very informative blog, too!

@SeamusORegan – Clever journalist but seems very down-to-earth.  Has an incredible Bio.

@mashable – Awesome resource for up-to-the-minute web culture articles and technology updates

@Oatmeal – Because where else could you get a grammar lesson like this?  Or an informative pie chart like this (LANGUAGE WARNING!).


It’s not what you know, it’s who you know, follow and LEARN FROM.